A hotspot brings Wi-Fi with you wherever you may be. Hook your laptop, smartphone or tablet to the internet without having to track down a public place that offers Wi-Fi.

Home Wireless Routers
These routers can connect up to 25 devices at one time, depending on signal strength, and cover about 2,000 square feet – perfect for a family or group to share.

Chromebooks are powerful in their simplicity, allowing users to access  the internet, especially Gmail and other Google services, quickly and easily. Use a USB / Flash drive to save your work - or use a cloud service like Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive.  You can now check one out to finish work or just test it out.  Wi-Fi access is required to use it.

Our webcams feature a glass lens with autofocus and a 78° diagonal field of view. Full HD streaming captures all the details, bright, natural colors, and fluid video at 1080p/30fps—and in HD at 720p/60fps. Use Capture to zoom, pan, and edit.

About Take-Home Tech Items: 

  • Circulates for 2 weeks with 1 renewal if no one is waiting.
  • They may be renewed online or over the phone for the one allowed renewal (if there is no wait list) - after one renewal items need to come into the library. 
  • Must read and sign Electronic Device Guidelines to check out
  • Parental/guardian's signature on Electronic Device Guidelines to check out to patrons under 18
  • Return to library staff at the circulation desk, NOT to an outside bookdrop ($5 fine if returned to bookdrop)
  • Overdues fines are $1 a day
  • One device type per card at a time 
  • Devices will be remotely deactivated if not returned on time
  • Replacement fees will be charged for missing or damaged devices and their accompanying accessories and cases

*The Tops and Spots Technology Lending Library and programs was supported by grant funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (IMLS grant number LS-250229-OLS-21) and by a grant from Weyerhaeuser Corporation Giving Fund.