Find what you need in the Library of Things
The Craven-Pamlico Libraries offers a variety of "things" you probably need or could use, and allows you to borrow them instead of buying them. Borrow them from us!They are designated under a holding code of real-world object, kit, or art in our catalog. Currently in the CPRL card catalog you can find:
- Clean Sweep Clean Up Kits
- Musical Instruments - guitar, flute, trumpet, and clarinet
- Slide Projector
- Overhead Projector (old-fashioned kind, not the computer connected kind)
- Electronic Magnifier
- Reminiscent Therapy Kits
- Kindle Fire
- Games (board)
- Acoustinator (Microwave detection device)
- Cake Pans
- Telescope
- Puzzles
- Artwork
- CD Player
- Bird Kit (book and binoculars)
- Games (board)